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Megértését és együttműködését köszönjük!
Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
The mission of our company is to provide excellent quality potable water on the long run at affordable prices. In addition to favourable environmental and hydro-geological conditions, preservation of an excellent water quality also requires high standard and technically sustainable operation and improvement of the environmental and water resource protection activities in the entire area of water procurement, which we want to achieve through the reinforcement of our corporate responsibility.
Reliable core activity of high quality, creating values in domestic and international markets.
Efficient and safe water supply at best value for money.
Market-driven operation
Cost efficiency
Focus on customers
Environmental protection
Excellent quality
Searching for new solutions
Financing possibilities
Considering socio-technological-economic conditions
Services of proper value/price ratio
Without hidden costs
„Tailor-made” solutions
We are not committed to the supplier of any technology
Experience from socio-economic-technological restructuring
Knowledge gathered through privatisation
Our individual developments
Complex and unique insight and knowledge base