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Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
No, as the water pipe and the sewer line follow different routes. The sewer line runs along the central axis of the road, whereas the water pipe on either side of it. The minimum operating pressure in the water pipes is 1.5 bars. No material should enter from a medium with a lower pressure.
Not during uninterrupted, normal operation. In the event of a pipe break, when the faulty line section has to be disconnected from the mains, water may flow back from the consumers to the mains, but after repair, the line section must always be cleaned by local disinfection and rinsing to prevent network contamination.
Punctures can occur in steel pipes or, in the case of so-called pitting corrosion, in cast iron pipes. Steel pipes are used in pipelines running through bridges because they weigh less than other pipes in use and are not damaged by a shell rupture but by punctures, so they cannot cause damage to bridge structures. They are also easier to repair.
Pipes made of iron corrode, cement is leached from those made of cement, and those based on plastics age. These processes can result in thinning of the pipe wall and lead to pipe rupture. This is more likely to occur on older pipeline sections. However, the age of the pipeline alone is not yet a source of danger, in fact, there are older pipelines that are in perfect condition.
We conduct condition assessment on regular basis. We have two methods: destructive material structure and non-destructive testing. The condition of the pipes is evaluated on the one hand on the basis of the results of the examination of the samples taken during each pipe fracture, on the other hand the corrosion measurement is performed on the outer surface of the metal pipes after excavation and the pipe environment is examined. With the help of these data we determine, if reconstruction is necessary, or - if not - we determine the remaining life of the pipeline. In addition to these examinations we also conduct water loss analysis, on the basis of which we can draw conclusions regarding any failure of the network, so we are able to explore failures that are not visible on the surface.
As the earthquake has a greater impact on tall structures, it does not pose a particular threat to the network. A bigger problem can occur in the case of a layer break, as this will cause a cross break in the pipe.
Failures experienced in the Budapest Waterworks service area can be reported 7/24 on the Waterline: 06-1 247 7777, selecting menu 1, and/or to the email address
Reports are first grouped by our dispatchers according to whether the failure affects the drinking water network or the sewage network.
It is important that the reporting person communicates all relevant information and data to our staff. We record the data of the reporting person and of the report, as well as the necessary additional information, on the basis of which we determine the emergency levels used at our company to classify each work process.
In determining the level of urgency, we take into account the circumstances, including
We then determine the level of urgency in order to properly schedule work to be done at different locations at the same time. Our staff will begin failure elimination on a schedule and in an order appropriate to the level of urgency.
Drinking water network incidents can be classified into 4 different treatment levels:
Wastewater of Budapest is treated by three treatment plants: the North Pest, South Pest and the Budapest Central Wastewater treatment Plants. Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant receives wastewater from downtown and Buda districts via the Kelenföld and Ferencváros lift stations.
Volume of the received wastewater is an average 230 000 m3/day in dry weather, the distribution of which varies during the day depending on the activity of the population.
Following technological treatment, surplus dewatered wastewater sludge is removed and utilized for waste composting. During composting vegetable waste and turf are added to the sludge, and then the produced compost material is utilized.
Under optimal circumstances, energy produced from biogas covers approximately 60% of the electricity required by the Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (BKSZTT) Additionally, during summertime it also covers the entire heat requirement of the plant (pasteurization, digestion); in winter, on the other hand, heat generated by the engines is not sufficient because of the heating of the plant, and the missing energy is supplied with the help of gas boilers, using natural gas.
The system typically only generates as much excess heat energy as could be sold in the summer. Implementation of a system enabling the sale of the produced electricity entails such a high investment cost, the return on which is not guaranteed.
The biofilter cleans the polluted air generated and collected in the closed wastewater treatment system.
At the end of the process, the cleaned water exits the wastewater treatment plant through the so-called main current outlet located in the Danube bed.
Wastewater received in the wastewater treatment plant goes through the technology in one day. Before removed from the plant, the sludge produced during the wastewater cleaning process undergoes additional 26 days of treatment.
The Budapest Central WTTP only treats communal sewage water.
Failures experienced in the Budapest Waterworks service area can be reported 7/24 on the Waterline: 06-1 247 7777, selecting menu 1, and/or to the email address
Reports are first grouped by our dispatchers according to whether the failure affects the drinking water network or the sewage network.
It is important that the reporting person communicates all relevant information and data to our staff. We record the data of the reporting person and of the report, as well as the necessary additional information, on the basis of which we determine the emergency levels used at our company to classify each work process.
The work is then ranked according to the same principle and the same parameters in the capital districts and the agglomeration. The failure elimination process is commenced taking into consideration the severity of the failures and the available resources.
Wastewater events are divided into four categories:
We then determine the level of urgency in order to properly schedule work to be done at different locations at the same time. Our staff will begin failure elimination on a schedule and in an order appropriate to the level of urgency.
For wastewater networks, four levels of urgency have been identified:
As wastewater treatment plants treat primarily with the help of living microorganisms, only degradable materials that do not damage them can be discharged into the sewer system. If poison enters the sewer system, it can destroy the cleansing organisms, thereby damaging the receiving living water, and the sewage sludge that can otherwise be used in agriculture becomes unusable. And materials that do not decompose can cause clogging of the sewer system, flooding, in more severe cases, failure of the cleaning plant equipment and malfunction. This is equally true for the fat, oil residues and food leftover, as well as wet wipes.
In settlements where sewerage services are provided by Budapest Waterworks, wastewater drainage and treatment operate as separate systems. This is important to know because, due to the capacity and technology of the system, it is only suitable for receiving, draining and treating domestic and pre-treated industrial wastewater. Rainwater collection and drainage in these settlements can only take place completely separate from the sewage network.
Pursuant to Section 85(5) of Government decree 58/2013. (II. 27.) it is forbidden to drain rainwater into the separated wastewater drainage system.
During heavy rains, the system cannot withstand the increased load. Large amounts of rainwater entering the sewer network cause saturation of certain sections of the public sewer network, mixed water (sewage and rainwater) drains from the network and can flood public areas.
Flooding of lower-lying areas (basements, cellars, underground garages, etc.) often results in significant property damage, but there is also a serious risk of infection.
The mixed water entering the wastewater treatment plant hydraulically overloads it, washes out the bacteria used for treatment, thus damaging the treatment mechanism and technology of the wastewater treatment plant, thereby jeopardizing the efficiency of the plant. However, if mixed water enters the plant in excess of the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant, it is no longer possible to treat it with adequate quality. In this case, the purified water emitted by the plant will not be of adequate quality either, and if released into the environment, it will pollute and damage our natural values and waters. The service provider is forced to pay a significant fine - even exceeding several million forints - for exceeding the quality limit of the water discharged from the wastewater treatment plant.
Irregular rainwater connections are an additional expense for the service provider in all cases. This, in turn, can affect the quality of the service provided as well as the feasibility of improvements. Thus, also indirectly the other users using the service in regular manner.
We regularly inform the residents of the affected settlements and draw their attention to the fact that the discharge of rainwater into the public sewer is irregular and has consequences.
Regular inspections are carried out on the operated sewage network, during which the recorded illegal rainwater discharges are digitally recorded and documented in a report.
Users in violation will be notified in writing to terminate the illegal status.
If the user does not terminate irregular drainage of rainwater despite our request, we may eliminate the illegal condition at the user’s expense. Section 85(6) of Government Decree 58/2013. (II. 27.) allows our company to impose surcharge for the amount of rainwater drained illegally to the main sewage network as specified in Annex 22 of our Business Rules (currently HUF 100,000 per user).
Additionally, we initiate with the regional authorities to obligate the user to terminate the illegal connection and rainwater drainage, to demolish, dismantle or transform structures, equipment and gear related to such connection.
At the same time, the regional authority may oblige the user to tolerate the inspection of the domestic drinking water network or domestic sewage network or the connecting network, as well as the reading of the connection water meter, the auxiliary water meter or the sewage meter.
The user is responsible for the proper operation, regular maintenance and, if necessary, repair of the domestic sewage system.
You can report illegal rainwater discharges detected on properties other than your own to our company on telephone number 06-1 247 7777 or via other means (e-mail, regular mail) in order for our company to take action as soon as possible. The identity and information of the reporting person will be kept confidential in all cases.